
Friday, July 20, 2012

Technology Tailgate & a Few More Too!

I recently came across the blog Technology Tailgate.  Have you heard of it?  If you haven't check it out!  There are so many great tips on this blog.

Here are a few posts that I found really useful (click on the pictures to take you there):
Using Google Voice Search for primary students to search topics
Creating Google Forms

Also Valerie over at 

recently blogged about SEN Teacher.  This is a cool website for making your own "I Have... Who Has" cards.
You can check out her post here:

While I'm on the topic of Technology, Tori over at 

has posted some great tips recently for Smart Boards.  You can check out her posts here

and here

Have a great one!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becky
    I just found you while surfing.
    Cute site.
    Thanks for sharing.
    I have a teacher site with 1,000's of FREEBIES.
    I think you'll enjoy it.
    Hope you can pop over.
