
Monday, June 11, 2012

It's Been A While...

So yes, I know I have been MIA!  Although we got out of school on May 23rd, I haven't had very many days off.  First I was involved on a district project for mapping CCSS.  Then I spent 4 days in training for Instruction for All Students.  It was an awesome workshop with Brenda Kaylor from Just Ask Publications.  She did an awesome job of tying in Project Based Learning, Assessment, and CCSS.  If you ever get a chance to attend one of their workshops, I highly recommend them.  At the training we mainly focused on this book:

There were many ideas from this book to have your class thinking outside the box and collaborating with each other through active learning strategies such as clock buddies, graffiti, 3, 2, 1, and ticket to leave.  It also had excellent ideas for planning CCSS units as well as formative and summative assessments.

Just Ask Publications also has many other books worth looking at.  Two books that I have worth mentioning are:


I actually won this one at the training and can't wait to read up on it this summer!

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