
Friday, February 3, 2012

Tribute to The Vintage Teacher

Every Friday I was excited to check my blog roll and see the 5 Freebies that Pamela Woods of The Vintage Teacher would always post.  A while back I noticed that her posts stopped.  I was very saddened to learn that she recently passed away.

This Friday my weekly freebie is in honor of her.  You will always be remembered and missed by so many!

Teachers Notebook has honored her family's request to list all of Pam's products for free as her family feels that is the legacy Pam would have wanted to leave for teachers everywhere. You can visit her store HERE to see her amazing products. So Pam will also be participating in the best Freebie Friday ever. 
So here's my weekly game board.  It goes along with our Reading Street Series Bad Dog Dodger.  

We will also be doing activities from JC Schools found here.


  1. hey girl...what do you use for a recording sheet (that you have on your games you've been sharing?!)

    ♥ Jen
    The Teachers' Cauldron

    1. Hi Jen,

      I just use notebook paper and have the kids write the words on it. I like to keep it simple. I also meant to leave you a comment. I've made your cupcake recipe too. It's a good one!

      :). Becky

  2. I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago, and just wanted to thank you for the resources you have posted! I am a first year teacher, teaching inner city. We also teach out of Reading Street. Your resources have saved me! Thank you!

    1. I'm so glad that you are able to use some of my Reading Street Resources! That is exactly my main purpose for creating this blog! Good luck with your first year!
