
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Scholastic Sale

Here is a deal that was just too good to pass up!

Scholastic Teacher Editions are on sale for $1, this is an E-book download (PDF file). Books usually range from $3.95-$16.95. These books are an excellent reference or idea resource for teachers or for parents who want to supplement their child's educational content. 

Click here to go to their site!

The sale is good until 9/20, so ENJOY!!!
Use 10THANKS to receive $10 off your order.
If only selecting $10 worth of e-books you do not need to enter payment details.  Once your order is placed you can download directly from the site under your account page and "My Downloadable Products."  You get 3 downloads per book.  Their site is slow so be patient!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for this post!
    I ordered my free 10 e-books!! :)
    I have been following your blog for a while now. I am not a teacher but very dedicated to supplementing my daughter's classroom curriculum as well as making a summer curriculum for her. I found your blog while looking for Reading Street links...I found those links and so much more!
